Yellow skyline over water

Share and Advocate

Sharing Science Program

Sharing Science is an AGU science communication and outreach program that offers resources, webinars, workshops, hands-on support and opportunities to help scientists communicate more effectively with diverse audiences about Earth and space science and its importance and impact on society.

Science communication and outreach allows you to increase your research profile, become a scientific resource in your community, break down barriers to scientific literacy and build an ongoing dialogue with people you interact with daily.

We want to give you the tools you need to effectively convey the value of your work. There are many paths to engage with different audiences about science and its value. We can help you improve your science communication skills with the media, policymakers, and community groups, and teach you how to use social media and multimedia.

Sharing Science Logo revised

Third Pod from the Sun is AGU's podcast where you can hear true stories, from scientists, for everyone. 


Third Pod from the Sun logo

Sharing Science communication workshops

The Sharing Science Program offers science communication, policy, and outreach workshops to provide scientists with skills and tools to share their science with diverse audiences. 
Learn more
A woman is interviewed by video

Voices for Science

In 2018, AGU launched its Voices for Science program to train scientists in two tracks: science policy and media/community outreach. Learn more about the program and apply to access our trainings and become a Voices for Science advocate.
Learn more
Aerial view of Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

Sharing Science grants

We provide science communication, policy, and outreach small grants to scientists around the world. 
Learn More
Interpretive guide speaking to a group

Sharing Science Online Community

The Sharing Science Community is a community of science communication and policy-interested folks. Through AGU Connect, members have the opportunity to interact with one another, access to a library of >100 scholarly manuscripts on the science of science communication, the opportunity to receive information and opportunities from us, and more.

Join our community

Become a part of a community of scientists committed to building community, informing, policy, and engaging in outreach to increase public understanding of Earth and space science.



Sharing Science logo

Sharing Science

[email protected]

Graphic silhouette of a person

Olivia V. Ambrogio, Ph.D.

Manager, Sharing Science

202.777.7458 | [email protected]

Graphic silhouette of a person

Caitlin Bergstrom, B.S.

Public Affairs Analyst

202.777.7421 | [email protected]

Graphic silhouette of a person

Elizabeth Landau, M.S.

Director, Public Affairs

202.777.7535 | [email protected]

Graphic silhouette of a person

Michael Villafranca, B.S.

Senior Specialist, Public Affairs

202.777.7468 | [email protected]

Graphic silhouette of a person

Brittany Webster, J.D.

Public Affairs Program Manager

202.777.7315 | [email protected]

Voices for Science participants stand in front of the US Capitol, Washington, DC

Science policy opportunities

AGU offers many ways to help you become a better advocate for science policy. We provide scientists at all levels, including students, with opportunities to get involved.

Opportunities and resources

Connect with policymakers

By speaking out on policy issues, you can help reinforce the value of Earth and space science and its impact on society. When lawmakers, regulators and policy influencers understand the value of your science, support for more robust science and increased funding of science grows.

AGU can help empower you to engage in science policy by giving you the tools you need to effectively advocate on issues that matter to the scientific community.

Rocky ravine with waterfall
The Tidal Basin in Washington DC, with the Washington Memorial and Jefferson Memorial in the background.

Meet with your lawmakers

Whether you want to connect with your legislator at home or on Capitol Hill, we can help you prepare for and schedule a successful meeting.
person holding phone with blank screen

Track science issues

Staying updated on science policy news helps ensure your engagement with legislators is timely. Learn how to best follow science policy issues.
Capitol building with clouds and reflection

Contact your
elected officials

Get resources to write an impactful letter or have an effective call with your legislator’s office.

Position statements & resources

AGU offers resources on issues related to Earth and space science. Our science impacts areas from agriculture to energy and we hope to enable our scientists and policymakers to develop solutions to these issues.

Our position statements provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues related to our science. They are developed by a task force of experts, submitted for a member review period, and approved by AGU’s Board and Council. Members can propose new position statements via this form.

Explore by topic area, or view all position statements here.

Position statement:

This position statement is currently under revision by a writing panel of experts from AGU’s community as part of a recurring four-year review process to reflect current research and understanding of the issue. The community comment period for this position statement ran from 5 December to 20 January 2023 and is now closed. The expert writing panel will now work to incorporate the community’s views to finalize the draft and ensure that the science is reflected accurately. The draft statement will then go for review before the AGU Position Statement Committee, Council and Board. While the updated statement is being finalized, please refer to the most recent position statement:

Fact sheet: Natural resources

Write your policymakers!

It has never been more important to share the value of science by engaging with those who make the laws and regulations affecting science funding and policy. Your voice can make a difference!
Take Action

Follow AGU’s science communication and policy efforts

Moss covered forest in the Pacific Northwest

Letters to policymakers

As a scientific society, AGU is often called upon to explain the importance of Earth and space science and its impact on society, as a way to inform decisions that shape policy across the country. This often means we write, or co-sign, letters to lawmakers and regulators that explain our position on certain topics and provide information or highlight issues affecting the science community. Visit our letters page to read recent letters by date, the receiving agency or office, and scientific topic.

You can also read our various position statements on issues important to Earth and space science. (Position statements and fact sheets are near the bottom of the Science Policy tab)

A NASA ER-s at 70,000ft over severe convection during the NASA Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx)

Give Earth and space science a voice: Contact your policymakers

It has never been more important for you to engage in sharing the value of science. You can make a difference.
Take action
Lava lake of a volcanic eruption

Stay informed about U.S. science funding and legislation

During the U.S. federal budget process, AGU provides updates about the current funding landscape, including the state of appropriations and the implications of the federal budget on Earth and space science.

Share your science in the news

Sharing your science with traditional or online media outlets can get your work in front of a broader audience and promote the value of scientific research. But it helps to have tips for working with reporters, journalists, public information or communications officers.

Whether you’re writing an op-ed or letter to the editor, participating in a phone interview, appearing on a radio or news broadcast, or looking to connect with a journalist, AGU can help support your science communication efforts. Check out our resources and toolkits, including in-depth guidance and downloadable tip sheets to help you get started.

Sharing science in the news

Resources and opportunities

News Media
Tips for interviews

Tips for

Download these quick tips to make your next media interview  a success.
Cracked land


Having a clear message ready for your interview is essential. This PDF sheet will help you distill that message.
Paths to engagement


Not all science is newsworthy. Here's a PDF to help you determine whether your research will appeal to the scribes.
Working with the media

Sci & Tell

Sci & Tell is an audio/visual initiative that highlights first-person accounts, straight from scientists. Listen below to our first episodes of this season, sponsored by NASA, and be on the lookout for more content like drawings, photos, biographies, and more!
Gradient texture of canyon rocks

Working with 
the media

This is our master guide for working with members of the press - from tips for interviews to establishing long-term relationships, this guide has it all.

Request a workshop

Sharing Science offers interactive virtual science communication workshops. Our customizable workshops provide scientists with skills and best practices in science communication and outreach, and can be scheduled specifically for your institution, or in partnership with a regional group.
Book now

Sharing science in your community

When you share your research in your community, you can help broaden people’s understanding of the important role Earth and space science plays in society. Whether you’re doing participating in a science event at a nearby elementary school, giving a lecture on the Paris Climate Accord for a regional community group, or hosting Nerd Nite at your local coffee house, AGU and its Sharing Science program can help you develop your outreach skills and communicate science in the most effective way to individuals in your community.

Our resources offer in-depth information on science communication skills and downloadable tip sheets to help you get started. For a more personalized experience, you can request a Sharing Science workshop for your institution.

Resources for outreach in your community

Resources for outreach in your community
Northern lights over coast with hills

Quick scicomm

A quick guide of best practices and tips for communicating your science in any setting.
Mountains silhouetted against a starry night sky

Watch your

Our guide to choosing the best words to communicate your science message effectively.
Lava flow at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, United States


Having a clear message ready before speaking to any community group is essential. Download this PDF worksheet to help you distill that message.
Shale drilling in front of green hill


Use your skills and get involved with AGU’s Thriving Earth Exchange, which connects communities with scientists to address unique local challenges related to scientific issues.
Engage in community science

Paths to

You want to talk with non-scientists about what you do. But where do you start? Here are some examples of opportunities you may want to pursue.

Request a workshop

Sharing Science offers interactive virtual science communication workshops. Our customizable workshops provide scientists with skills and best practices in science communication and outreach, and can be scheduled specifically for your institution, or in partnership with a regional group.
Book now

Using social media or multimedia to share your science

Social media and forms of multimedia (videos, slideshows, podcasts) can be effective tools for communicating your science with diverse audiences, and in some cases can allow you to engage with and reach people whom you might not otherwise encounter.

Sharing science network can help you develop or deepen your science communication skills using different social media and multimedia platforms.

Before you sign up for a social media account or invest in multimedia efforts to share your science, make sure you know what you want to say to your chosen audience and what you want them to get out of it. Keep it simple, interesting, and relevant. Your content should reflect your intended audience’s interests and behaviors.

Social media and multimedia

Boost your digital savvy

As the world of digital communications continues to rapidly evolve, the distinctions between various social media networks and communications platforms can be confusing even to digital natives. Below we offer some resources to help you use the more popular networks and platforms. What’s important to remember is that, to communicate effectively, it’s critical to go where your audience is.

To get started, the best approach is to become familiar with one medium before deciding to expand your efforts to other platforms. Keep in mind that social media by definition requires socializing, so don’t be afraid to get out there and engage frequently, make connections, and network!
Person holding phone with social media on screen

How to get started using social or multimedia

Teacher helping student on computer
Underwater scene with coral and fish

Webinar on
social media

Watch a Sharing Science webinar on how to effectively use social media.
Rock formations silhouetted against a starry night

#SciComm via
social media

Select the best social media channel to share your science. Download our worksheet.
Night view of lava at Kilauea's crater, USA

Social media

Do you want a comprehensive guide on using some of the more popular social media outlets to communicate science? Download this guide.

Request a workshop

Sharing Science offers interactive virtual science communication workshops. Our customizable workshops provide scientists with skills and best practices in science communication and outreach, and can be scheduled specifically for your institution, or in partnership with a regional group.
book now